Monday, June 22, 2009

2009-2010 PK set of officers

A new school year, a new set of faces, more friends to make.
We have 18 new (official) members in the Pastor's Kids Fellowship. Daghan na jud ta!

Our officers for this year are:
President: Karlo V.
V-Pres: Norman M.
(...mga taga-hugas)
Sec: Arestine M.
Tres: Edsel G.
Audit: Janvic S.
(...Kwarta ni bay!)
PROs: Keren V. & Bonix O.

ang mga comm pending pa... bantay ra nya mo..hehe
Hopefully we will have a lot of new activities.
God Bless mga Kadugo!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

First Sem!!!

Hmmmm... First Semester!!!! Another set of trials... new friends... new activities (hopefully!!!)

After sa ato IPR, mangusog na jud ta mga KADZ!!!! Ila ra ta gidaog-daog!!! Not anymore!!!

PK!!! KALAYAAN!!! Wahahahahahahaha...
